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[大細超]與香港迪士尼樂園 [Dai-Sai-Chio] and Hong Kong Disneyland


這個故事告訴我們這種情況在香港稱為[大細超], 十分普遍.

在香港你會發現有全世畀最好的都與大細拉上關係, 如份量的大細, 數量的大細, 銀碼的大細,年紀的大細,長短的大細,名氣的大細,等等,這叫[香港之最],例如以下:

香港赤鱲角國際機場屢次被評為世界最佳機場,也是全球最昂貴的機場,香港國際機場連同配套設施的興建費用超過千億港元 客運大樓是世界上最大的機場航廈建築(明年被北京首都機場3号新客運大樓所取代為世界最大機場客運大樓)

國際金融中心2期是全港最高建築物, 也是世界最高十大摩天大厦之一, 正在興建的環球貿易廣場,位於香港西九龍,地鐵九龍站Union Square第七期發展項目,環球貿易廣場樓高達 118 樓、490 米,比 88 層及 420 米高的國際金融中心二期,還要高出 70 米,落成後將是全港最高的建築物,更位列全球已動工及落成高廈第三位(以可用樓層高度計算)

香港的中環至半山自動扶梯系統是目前世界最長的戶外電動扶梯系統,電影《蝙蝠俠黑夜之神》也來這裡取景, 而世界第2長的戶外電動扶梯系統位於香港海洋公園,位於香港朗豪坊的電動扶梯是世界最長中間無支撐電動扶梯.


在香港不難發現,滿街都是寶馬,平治, 可算是全球按人口平均計算,擁有平治等汽車最多的地區之一 ( 平治和勞斯萊斯汽車,在香港有高滲透率 )

香港是瑞士手錶的第2大市場,雖然人口約七百萬,但每年的銷售額還比日本高呢, 難怪名錶如勞力士這麼晋遍


昂坪360 或 昂坪纜車(Ngong Ping Skyrail)是世界上規模最大之一的”索道”吊車系統,亦是繼香港海洋公園的登山纜車,另一個吊車系統.

山頂纜車(The Peak Tram)是亞洲地區第一條纜索鐵路(Funicular),於一八八八年建成啟用,是本港最古老的機動交通工具, 纜車軌道全長逾五千英呎,高達海拔一千三百英呎,平均斜度為四十五度,最陡峭的坡道斜八十度。據說是世界上最斜纜索鐵路之一.


香港的天星小輪是旅客遊覽維多利亞港首選的途徑,近年更被國家地理旅遊雜誌列為「人生五十個必到景點」之一.最風光的日子,曾經被評為世界 最繁忙小輪服務之一.


香港電車在1904年投入服務,是最古老雙層電車,超過100年曆史, 亦是全球現存唯一全數採用雙層電車的電車系統。

香港迪士尼樂園要突圍而出,不可以當全世界最小最袖珍的迪士尼樂園,雖然廸士尼名氣大,但遊戲設施覆蓋面績細, 不成正比, 今次[大細超],實因為香港人都是喜歡最大,最長,最高,最昂貴,最古老的東西引已為傲.

[Dai-Sai-Chio] refers to the Cantonese slang [大細超], a Hong Kong localized term to describe something or someone that is not fair, unjust, partial, biased, or showing favoritism.

the Chinese word [ 大] means Big in English, pronounces as [Dai] in English;

the Chinese word [細] means Small in English, pronounces as [Sai] in English;

HongKongers sometimes prefer something over the others because of their favoritism. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t have favorites?

Let’s see what are their favorites?

Hong Kong International Airport, the biggest and most expensive airport structure being built

Hong Kong International Finance Centre 2, the tallest building in Hong Kong

the central midlevels escalator, the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world

The Peninsular Hong Kong hotel, with latest record-breaking fleet of 14 Phantoms – the largest ever single order of this model of Rolls Royce

Hong Kong has the highest penetration of Mercedes Benz and Rolls Royce per capita in the world

“A Symphony of Lights” has been awarded the world’s “Largest Permanent Light and Sound Show” by Guinness World Records.

The Big Buddha Statue located at the Po Lin Monastery is the world’s tallest outdoor seated bronze Buddha.

The Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry reports that the 7 million people of Hong Kong are the second largest buyers of Swiss watches. They rank behind the United States but ahead of Japan.

The list goes on…

So it is clear that HongKongers like something that they could be proud of or at least something to brag about. And size certainly does matter!




Source : Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting

Creditors of the struggling Hong Kong Disneyland joint venture agreed to suspend the debt covenants of a $293 million commercial loan for a year and give owners Disney and the government of Hong Kong access to funds that had been frozen, Chief Financial Officer Tom Staggs said.

In exchange, the joint venture will repay the loan by Sept. 30, 2008, and Disney will forgo royalties from the park for “a couple of years,” Staggs said on a conference call.

Hong Kong Disneyland, which opened in 2005, missed its first-year attendance target of 5.6 million by nearly 10 percent and has not released second-year totals.

Hong Kong’s commerce secretary, Frederick Ma, told the Standard newspaper this week that the government was now reconsidering its approach and may inject new funds to expand the park. But commerce officials declined comment.

“The agreement with the creditors is a good thing,” said a spokesperson for the Hong Kong Tourism Board. “We hope the park and its management will be able to develop a more concrete plan to attract more visitors.”

Source : Reuters

Saturday, November 10, 2007 Posted by | Hong Kong Disneyland, Tourism | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment